Colorado is a state in the Mountain West sub-region of the United States that spans most of the Southern Rocky Mountains and the north eastern portion of the Colorado Plateau. Colorado is the eighth-most extensive state in the US and the 21st most populous state, its capital being in Denver.
Colorado has been inhabited by Native Americans for over 13000 years and was a migration route for early settlers who then spread into the Americas. ‘Colorado’ is a Spanish adjective meaning ‘ruddy,’ the colour of the red sandstone. Colorado was proclaimed a state by US president Ulysses S. Grant on August 1, 1876, and became the 38th state of America. Colorado borders Wyoming and Nebraska to the North, Oklahoma and New Mexico to the South, Utah to the West, and Nebraska and Kansas to the East.
This page will focus on Northern Colorado and the cities and towns to give you a comprehensive guide if you consider moving to the state.